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About Us

The Artists’ Circle was created in 1981 by founding members Gordon Hincks, Keith Baker and Ken Overbury, with the express purpose of promoting fellowship and providing learning experiences for local amateur artists. 

In particular, we remember that Gordon Hincks (RIP October 8th, 2020) strongly believed that our Artists' Circle group should be fun, inspiring and open to all. He understood that as an intensely personal act, the expression of one's art should not be judged through a filter of subjective taste. Successive Artists' Circle presidents have continued to preserve this legacy.


Thus, our members come from a variety of backgrounds but we all share a passion for painting or drawing (in any medium) and a desire to participate in the group’s activities.  We welcome artists from the West Island at all stages of development.

Group photo.jpg

What We Do

We are volunteers who are all interested in painting or drawing. Art can be a lonely practice and it’s nice to meet others who share our passion. We’re here to support each other, no matter the medium, artistic style or skill level. Our goal is to broaden our horizons about our form of visual art, discover new techniques and materials through the demos and find out about various activities and exhibition venues available to us.

Join our Executive Team:  A great way to see how the club operates, share your ideas and get to know members even better is by joining our Executive Team. You don’t need experience... we’ll show you the ropes! Be sure to ask us about how you can contribute (we’re easygoing people).  

Member Pages

For a one-time fee of $20, you can have an English and French page (you provide the translation) on our website.  Your page can be accessed from two places: the Members page and the Gallery Page. You may submit 4 photos of your work plus a portrait. As well, we’ll need your contact info and a brief artist statement about you or your work. All artwork photos must include artwork only (no frames) and be well-lit. Please include title, medium and dimensions of your work. The one-time fee of $20 applies as long as your membership is renewed each year (the fee goes towards our exhibition). If your membership is not renewed, your page will be removed. 


We meet each third Tuesday of the month (from September to May) at the Pierrefonds Cultural Centre located at 13850 Gouin Blvd. West. Our meetings start at 7 pm except for our pot-luck meetings in December and May, which start at 6 pm and 6:30 pm, respectively. We recommend that you arrive about 15 minutes earlier to take off your coat and chat a bit with other members. Don’t forget to sign in!


Our Facebook page is available to all. You can post directly or, you can send your post information (exhibition, class, etc) to where it will be forwarded to our Facebook manager for posting.

Content of Meetings

Each month except December and May, we have some sort of presentation, be it a demo, a lecture, a model or anything we think might be of interest to our members. Non-members are welcome to come for a $5.00 charge. If you have any suggestions for future meetings that you think will interest our members, please let us know!


We hold at least one exhibition per year, usually in April or May. Members can participate provided they have attended at least four meetings before the exhibition. (Again, remember to sign in!) We do not jury our exhibitions and everyone is encouraged to participate. However, space is limited, so don’t delay signing up! We always need volunteers (whether or not you are in the exhibition) so please consider helping out with various tasks by speaking with the Exhibition Director.


The yearly membership fee is $45.00 and is due by May 31st. Ideally, it should be paid in person at the last Annual General Meeting and pot-luck dinner the third week of May (see calendar). The new season begins on the third Tuesday evening of September. Membership is limited to 60 people so don’t delay your membership renewal. Once we reach 60 members, we will put you on the waiting list. There are no residence restrictions. For more information, please contact us by email at or drop by during one of our monthly meetings.

Thank you for your interest and we hope to see you soon.



David Powell 



Past President:

Donna McGee


Kathleen Leggatt


Gaye McConnell


Doina Falcon


Caroline Donati


Programming & Workshops:

Bill Harvey


Sandra Benedetti-Rosser

Social Media:

Edith Larochelle


Jennifer Gibb



Santina Diano-Powell and Lynda Fraser  

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